Since 1991 Precision Tools from China

Global Trade Specialists began operations by helping machine tool industry distributors import precision tools from China such as calipers, micrometers, steel parallel sets, indicators and measuring block sets; Clamping tools, such as collets, clamping devices and machine vices; and cutting tools such as end mills and drills.

Through our partner companies in China, we have direct access to manufacturers who can produce precision tools from China and all kinds of products. In general, most products are made of metal, plastic, wood, stone, ceramics, glass, leather or nylon, as well as textiles. Here is a general description of the products that can be produced.

Global Trade Specialists is committed to procuring the best factory for your product, working only with suppliers who guarantee quality. We are your overseas purchasing team, allowing you to focus more on the things that make your business grow

Custom wooden cases are available for all products.

Do you want to order a particular product through a Chinese manufacturer?

  • We procure all components in China for a product
  • We carry out quality inspections in China
  • The average manufacturer rate is $ 2.00 / hour compared to ten times in Western countries
  • Molds cost on average 80-90% less in China than in the West, so the entry costs are lower
  • We can source parts from several factories in China, carry out the assembly, and handle the packaging and shipping of the products. (eg: one of our customer’s products includes manufacturing in 9 different plants) Our partner companies in China manage the entire manufacturing process from start to finish
  • Products from China can be made from a wide range of materials including plastic, metal, wood, rubber, textiles, stone, glass, ceramics and more.
  • Competitive pricing
  • Large production capacity at manufacturers in China