Manufacturing is the making of goods, from computers and automobiles to clothing and furniture. There are several standard manufacturing processes being used today.

Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process is how a company assembles or creates its unique product. It can be a complex activity that involves a large variety of machinery, tools and equipment. Each unique process has advantages to complete at the given specific task whether made from wood, plastic, metal, glass or other combined materials. A manufacturing method must be chosen and implemented based on the specific product being made, the material being used, and how much needs to be produced.

Mass Production

Mass production, also known as flow production or continuous production is the most common manufacturing method. Mass production was popularized by a 1926 article in the Encyclopedia Britannica supplement that was written based on correspondence with the Ford Motor Company – a process by which a large volume of finished goods is produced based on set quality or product standards. The concepts of mass production are applied to various kinds of products such as to parts and assemblies of parts which may include household goods, automobiles and much more.

Discrete Manufacturing

The focus of discrete manufacturing is the production of distinct items or objects. It is a process that produces products in individual, separate pieces. This type of manufacturing is often used to create unique shapes or sizes. Discrete manufacturing involves parts like nuts, brackets, bolts, wires and individual products. Examples of products made from discrete manufacturing include automobiles, furniture, automobile parts, aircraft parts, toys and other household items.

Continuous Process Manufacturing

Process manufacturing refers to the production of goods that cannot be counted as discrete units. In process manufacturing, the product is created by using a formula or recipe to refine raw ingredients. Examples include gases, powders and liquids. This manufacturing method uses a formula and the combination of raw materials to create goods.

Repetitive Manufacturing

The repetitive manufacturing process is designed to produce the same product for many weeks, months or for an extended period of time. Some examples of this manufacturing process are automobiles and consumer goods such as washing machines, refrigerators, stoves,…

Job Shop Production

Job production, also called one-off production, refers to the process of creating custom work. Each product is made individually and to order. The product is customized to the buyer’s specification. Production is a highly skilled process. The goods may be handmade and labour intensive making costs usually high. Examples are handmade crafts like furniture and made-to-measure clothes.

Batch Process Manufacturing

This is a manufacturing process in which items are produced in groups or batches. It is a process where products are manufactured in specified amounts and stored as batches. Some examples include electrical goods, software or clothing.

Success in Production

At Global Trade Specialists, we can help you get your product produced with the correct tooling. When you order with us, you retain ownership of all molds. We have decades of experience helping our customers get their parts made successfully in China.

Contact us for a free quote.