Work With a Professional China Sourcing Agent

As a China sourcing agent, Global Trade Specialists has developed close relationships with our partners in China. By doing so, we have access to many highly qualified manufacturers in China. Global Trade Specialists helps companies source a wide variety of different products from China. We have helped source everything from consumer products, such as handbags and clothing, to industrial products, such as tools and machine parts from China. We work with many different types of materials, including plastics, metals, wood and glass. Since 1991 we have the industry knowledge needed to help you find a manufacturer in China that is right for your business.

Custom Manufacturers in China

We offer full service in the production and manufacturing of your product.

  • Finding the best factory in China equipped to manufacture your product
  • Quality and cost efficient manufacturing in China
  • If needed also the packaging of your product „Made in China“
  • Highly competitive shipping rates for your product made in China
  • From prototype, manufacturing in China, to the finished product at your door
  • Send us your technical drawings or request and we will send you a free quote!

Quality Inspection Services in China

We have contracted with a third party inspection company to provide (optional) on-site product quality inspection services in China for our customers. The advantage is that you now have an independent, impartial third party company that will inspect your shipment to your specifications. For this service you would provide us with a list of inspection parameters for your product. We have found product quality inspection services to be an excellent way to provide our customers with the best quality control. Please contact us for further information on quality inspection or for a free quote.

At Global Trade Specialists we are committed to sourcing the best factory for your product and work only with suppliers that guarantee quality. We are your overseas purchasing team, which allows you to focus more of your time on doing the things that grow your business.