When procuring or sourcing from overseas, assembly of the standardized parts or components may be a part of the manufacturing process. Sometimes a single factory can handle the manufacturing and assembling of a part, several parts or product. Other times, and this is especially true with parts that have components made of several different materials, the parts can end up coming from several different factories and will have to be assembled once all the parts are complete.
Multiple Components & Standardized Parts
One our client’s projects involved getting a quote to source multiple components in China and assemble them. Sounds simple enough for GTS to find suppliers that provide one or several parts on my list, find a plant to ship all the parts to, assemble them and then have it packaged and shipped to the given destination in Europe.
One Source for all Components & Standardized Parts
We can source parts from multiple factories in China, perform assembly, and final packaging. One of our customer’s products had nine different factories involved. Our partner companies in China manage the entire manufacturing process from start to finish.
Component Sourcing for Assembly since 1991
Since 1991, Global Trade Specialists, Inc. has helped companies of all sizes buy direct from China from quality Chinese manufacturing companies. We got our start sourcing machined parts of all kinds from China, including CNC machined parts, forged parts, sheet metal parts, and castings, as well as plastic injection molded parts. From there we rapidly expanded into sourcing other products from China, including custom wood items, golf products, apparel, and textiles.
We source most products from China made from metal, wood, plastic (ABS, polycarbonate, acrylic, HDPE, LDPE, PCV, polystyrene, and more), glass, stone, or textiles. Whether mechanical or electrical we will find the best manufacturer for you.
Components & Standardized Parts for Assembly
While there are a wide variety of assembly options, it’s easier and simpler to get all your services done with one company. At Global Trade Specialists, we would handle arranging assembly for your parts. If it takes a few factories or several to put your product together, we will arrange it. We have the contacts that can handle it, and will arrange it for you to save you time, energy, and money. Contact us for a free price quote.