Import Duty from China to UK will include charges made by the customs department? It is important to note that whenever goods are purchased outside the EU or UK, duty and taxes have to be paid to the customs department. Remember to take into account these two charges when ordering product from outside of the EU or UK. To calculate these costs the customs department will need the HS codes.

What are HS Codes?

For Import Duty from China to UK or EU an HS code needs to be stated on the invoice. This 6 to 10 digit code must be correct on international commercial invoices so that no delays in your import may occur. The HS codes are used by the  customs department in classifying your tariff.

Do I pay VAT?

Not only duty is to be paid but also VAT. Private persons often make the mistake of forgetting to calculate this expense. Important is to remember that the VAT is calculated on the total cost of goods and shipping charges. You are paying VAT on the total cost of bringing goods into the UK or any other EU country from without.

How much import duty from China to UK will I pay?

The amount of duty all depends on the value and type of the goods being imported. As described by the HS codes every type of product has a different percentage rate. For this you may ask the freight agent or go to several online tariff forms as on the below UK website. The HS codes are often also called tariff codes.

When using a china sourcing agent like Global Trade Specialists you will receive the quote for your product as CIF Manchester (if in UK) or for example CIF Vienna (if in Austria). CIF stands for contract, insurance and freight. This is most commonly used in quoting prices and includes the cost of shipping and insurance of your product. When dealing with china prices are quoted form the manufacturer in US dollars. Convert this into your national currency and use the tariff codes given above for UK or HS codes for your country when calculating your tariff.